What Does Your Future Look Like?
Many of us were taught that going to school, getting a steady job with a good pension plan, and working hard, will guarantee our success in life. We consider ourselves comfortable if we buy a home, a couple of cars and take vacations once in awhile. In reality, our homes come with thirty-year mortgages, our cars come with monthly payments and our vacations accrue interest on our credit cards.
We are forced to take second jobs just to make ends meet or to put the kids through college.
We aren't able to participate in our children's lives as we had hoped to.
We find ourselves buried in debt, living paycheck to paycheck and spending much of our time worrying about how we are going to pay the bills.
We retire and find ourselves struggling to get by on our pensions and Social Security?
Was this what we thought life would be like? What happened?

- Only one in six mothers stays at home to take care of the children.
- One out of every five parents works two jobs.
- The average college graduate will work eleven different jobs in five different careers in their lifetime.
- Almost half of the households in America report having difficulty paying their minimum monthly payments.
- Last year over 1.3 million Americans filed for bankruptcy.
Consider this option as a way out.
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