Own Your Future
Are you interested in network marketing? Are you looking for a supportive group to get involved with? This will give you some tips and advice before you make the leap into the network marketing world.
Renting a Future #2
"In January 2006, employers took 1,113 mass layoff actions... Each action involved at least 50 persons from a single establishment, and the number of workers involved totaled 108,378..." From United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
layoff 50 http://www.kcci.com/money/7393965/detail.html?rss=des&psp=money
layoff 1,000 http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,1908862,00.asp?kc=EWNKT0209KTX1K0100440
layoff 1,400 http://www.usatoday.com/travel/news/2005-09-21-northwest-flight-attendants_x.htm
layoff 1,500 http://www.charlotte.com/mld/charlotte/business/13930184.htm?source=rss&channel=charlotte_business
layoff 2,000 http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/oracle/guide/archives/007681.asp?rss=1
Is there a better way? View what these people have found and see if we can offer a choice for you to consider as well.
What Does Your Future Look Like?
Many of us were taught that going to school, getting a steady job with a good pension plan, and working hard, will guarantee our success in life. We consider ourselves comfortable if we buy a home, a couple of cars and take vacations once in awhile. In reality, our homes come with thirty-year mortgages, our cars come with monthly payments and our vacations accrue interest on our credit cards.
We are forced to take second jobs just to make ends meet or to put the kids through college.
We aren't able to participate in our children's lives as we had hoped to.
We find ourselves buried in debt, living paycheck to paycheck and spending much of our time worrying about how we are going to pay the bills.
We retire and find ourselves struggling to get by on our pensions and Social Security?
Was this what we thought life would be like? What happened?
- Only one in six mothers stays at home to take care of the children.
- One out of every five parents works two jobs.
- The average college graduate will work eleven different jobs in five different careers in their lifetime.
- Almost half of the households in America report having difficulty paying their minimum monthly payments.
- Last year over 1.3 million Americans filed for bankruptcy.
Consider this option as a way out.
Renting a Future #1
My brother was the Vice President of Operations for a pharmaceutical company for 19 years. Four months before he would have been vested in his pension his company decided to lay him off.
Nineteen years of service deserves more than a cheap shot, however this story isn't uncommon anymore is it?
He does not Own his future, he needs to find other work, he will need to work more years than he had originally planned and his retirement is no longer secure (not that it ever was). He rented his future away to a company and a group of people who did not intend to rent him as long as he wanted them to.
Are you renting your future away to people or a company who shouldn't be trusted with it?
Consider this option as a way to take ownership of your future.
Network Marketing and Helping Others
Can network marketing truly help you to help others? Absolutely! I will share some ways in which your involvement in an MLM/network marketing company can allow you to truly make a positive difference in the lives of others.
One concept that has been and is continually being developed in some network marketing companies is fundraising for nonprofits. Some network marketing companies or their affiliates have developed plans to allow all or most of the profits from sales to be given to specific charitable organizations. The nonprofit organization can become affiliated for a short fundraising program, or long-term. Any sales made on their behalf will help them in their budgeting, and in turn help their programs to grow. Some network marketing professionals have chosen to participate exclusively in the fundraising portion of their MLM’s program.
Network marketing professionals use the term “Coaching” quite often. This should be taken seriously. When you coach a sports team, you help them to develop more athletic skills and improve their game. When you coach someone in network marketing, you are helping them to develop more people or business skills to improve their lives. The goal, of course, is to help them supplement or replace their current paycheck. You may help someone simply pay for their monthly electric bill, or you may end up helping someone acquire the home of their dreams. A little help is sometimes much more necessary than a lot of help, so start with the electric bill. They may be able to take the ball and run with it themselves at this point.
Your products or services can help others. Many network marketing companies offer products that are superior to off-the-shelf products. Many network marketing companies offer customer service that is far superior to current traditional business customer service. Many network marketing professionals offer customer service, knowledge and experience far superior to traditional retail stores. The combination of these aspects can create a very nice loyal customer base, which have actually seen or felt benefits from your products or services.
Network Marketing and Harming Others
Be honest with yourself and others! Beware of false claims, things that are too good to be true and companies that ask you to claim things they can’t or don’t claim themselves. Network marketing companies have lawyers on staff, you probably never will. Be careful what your company or upline asks you to claim. Since you are in business for yourself as an independent distributor, you are legally responsible for any false or misleading claim that you choose to make.
An example: An independent distributor who claims his product will cure AIDS is solely responsible for that claim. Any customer that does not achieve that result has the legal right to sue the independent distributor, not the company, not his upline. Neither the company, nor the upline made the claim to this individual.
BEWARE of false claims, things that are too good to be true and anything that the FDA would not allow any company to claim.
Honesty is your best policy. If you have found great benefits from your product or service, there is no law against letting others know what YOU’VE experienced. If you believe in your products, let others know why. Any product that needs hype or outright lies to get a sale isn’t a good product to sell. In this case, maybe you should think about searching out a better product line to represent.
Quote for the Week
Cherlyn Garrett
Helping you to own your future
What Is Network Marketing?
What Is Network Marketing?
Network marketing is a form of business that most people have the ability, skills and resources to participate in. Many network marketing companies provide skill building workshops or meetings to help you grow. Many network marketing companies provide even more resources for you to utilize.
Network marketing is a business where you and I are the advertisers of their products or services. Network marketing companies do not spend billions of dollars in advertising. You will not see an advertisement on television for MLM products. You will not hear an advertisement on the radio for MLM products. These companies chose to have their products advertised by you and me, and in turn give the money they would have spent in advertising to you and me.
Network marketing is a people business, which utilizes networking concepts. When you look for a traditional job, you usually network with other people to see what is out there. If you don’t network with your employed friends and family you may not hear of your best opportunity. Traditional business owners network with vendors and customers to build their businesses. If they don’t, they could get stuck in a contract with a vendor that is much more costly, or they may not have considered a certain segment of the population as a good marketing avenue. Whether you realize it or not, networking is a part of your daily life, or should be. Network marketing companies simply try to allow you to benefit from your daily networking activities in yet another way.
What Network Marketing Should NOT be
Network marketing should not be a way to “bug” your friends and family. It should not be a way to take up all of your free time and work you into burnout. It should not be a cult-like experience. It should not be a method to sort out your friends or a measurement for making new ones.
What Network Marketing Should BE
Network marketing should be fun. It should provide a clear way of helping yourself and others. It should be a way for you to grow in professional and/or personal areas where you’d like to see growth. It should be a positive experience for you and anyone you approach.
Just a Thought
This is your business! You must work your business the way you feel it needs to be worked. If your company, sponsor or upline asks you to do something you don’t feel comfortable with, ask yourself why. If you don’t have the money, maybe it’s something you can work towards and possibly do later. If it’s something that doesn’t fit your personality, then consider what they’ve said as a topic for brainstorming. Find out if there’s an area within that idea, or closely related to that idea that is more comfortable for you to do. Please do not get into a “comfort zone”, however. Comfort zones do not provide growth. Allow yourself to grow and you will be able to help others grow as well. Allow yourself to get into a comfort zone and you’ll be living paycheck to paycheck again (that’s no fun).
Quote for the Week
Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant. --Robert Louis Stevenson
Cherlyn Garrett
Helping you to own your future