
Network Marketing Products

Consumable Vs. Non-Consumable

Do you enjoy sales, or does that word make your skin crawl?

If you enjoy sales, then non-consumable products are a consideration for you. Some network marketing companies offer products that are only purchased once by a customer. These are called non-consumable products. A refrigerator is considered non-consumable. You may end up buying a few in your life-time, however it isn't an item you buy with regularity. If you decide to become affiliated with a network marketing company who offers non-consumable products, then you need to realize that you will have to be good at sales, or at least be willing to develop good sales skills. Your customer list will have to be constantly changing and growing.

If the word "sales" makes you cringe, you better consider a consumable product to offer. A consumable product is something that is purchased repeatedly on a semi-predictable basis. Food is a consumable product. You can predict with some accuracy how often a customer will go to the grocery store. Many network marketing companies offer products that are consumable. You do not necessarily need to be good at sales with these sorts of products. Once you have a customer list, who buy your products regularly, you can sit back and relax if you want to.

Sales Vs. Sharing

So you've chosen a consumable product to "Sell". How on earth do you get it "Sold" without selling? Maybe I'm just off my rocker.

Bob: I need to get off the phone and do some yard work with my new widget, the wife is getting antsy. We'll see you this weekend at the barbecue?

You: Hey, Bob, I have this great widget-helping-device that's really incredible! We offer a free trial, a 100% money back guarantee and I'm available to show you how it works! Don't move a muscle I'll drive right over with it! (You need to be wearing some plaid golf pants and a really tacky polyester jacket when you say this! It gives it the full effect I'm trying to achieve here.)

That's my best try at outright selling. Did I do well? Selling really doesn't have to be like this, but humor me.

Let's try some sharing and hopefully you'll see the difference. (take off your plaid pants please.)

Bob: I need to get off the phone and do some yard work with my new widget, the wife is getting antsy. We'll see you this weekend at the barbecue?

You: We'll be at the barbecue, ready to let our hair down for the weekend. And oh, by the way, remind me to tell you about this widget-helping-device my wife and I found. It may help you do your yard in half the time.

Bob: Half the time? What is it?

You: It's something I found a few days/weeks/months ago. It's helped me out with that widget. My hands don't get as sore, maybe that's why it takes half the time.

Bob: Oh boy, do I know what you mean. I get cramps in my hands after just 10 minutes.

You: Let me know when you have time and I'll show you how it works.

Bob: Do you have time now? The wife would be thrilled if I did it in half the time, she'd be able to crack that whip and get me on another honey-do for the day.

Okay, do you see the difference? If you don't see a difference, then. . . well. . . I am crazy.

The second one allows Bob to decide the when and where. It also allows him to decide if he even wants more information. It has informed him of a personal experience that he may end up experiencing. It is simply sharing your experiences, sharing your excitement, sharing your knowledge with people. But it allows them to decide whether they will accept your information.

This is a form of selling. But maybe this type of selling won't make your skin crawl. You can save the money for plaid pants and use it for a bottle of champagne to celebrate your first successful sale!

Cherlyn Garrett
Helping you to own your future


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